I use shadowsocks-qt5, it’s a cross platform GUI software. This software isn’t in Debian’s repositories, so I build a deb package to install it.
Prepare the dependencies.
sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev libqrencode-dev libqtshadowsocks-dev libappindicator-dev libzbar-dev libbotan1.10-dev
libqtshadowsocks-dev isn’t in Debian’s repositories, build deb to install it.
sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev libbotan1.10-dev #skip this part if you've already installed these packages git clone https://github.com/shadowsocks/libQtShadowsocks.git cd libQtShadowsocks dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b
Build shadowsocks-qt5.
git clone https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks-qt5.git cd shadowsocks-qt5 dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b
Server Address: your hostname or server IP (IPv4/IPv6)
Server Port: server port number
Password: a password used to encrypt transfer
Encryption Method: chacha20-ietf-poly1305
Setting complete.